Today in a lecture we were handed an Instant Feedback sheet, which included lots of information summarising things that we should have included within our work. I thought it would be useful to include that list on here in the form of a checklist, where I tick off what exactly I have done. I also think it will be interesting to compare this self evaluation with that of the grade that my teacher gives me.

I have used my time productively and effectively to develop both my technical and conceptual approach to my photographic practice – YES

I have created a portfolio for screen, presenting three images for Ready to Hand, Creatures, People are Things and The Individual is Capital assignments. I have also created a collection of images arrange as a grid for Typology o City and a film for Interference – The Long Portrait using the appropriate file formats on a USB memory stick – YES

I have included contact sheets that show this experimentation and refinement of my practice – NO: I didn’t know it was necessary.

I have created a dynamic and visually intriguing set of images with thought provoking concepts – YES/NO: I feel all projects are visually intriguing however not all are thought provoking, some are fairly simple/self explanatory.

All my images are of a high technical standard – YES

I understand the relationship of apertures and shutter with controlling exposure for continuous light and flash – YES

I am confident using the flash in the studio – YES

I understand how to meter light and control exposure – YES

My portrait images demonstrate I have experimented with lighting, composition, subjects, make-up, wardrobe, locations and representation of subjects – YES/NO: Yes to all but make-up and wardrobe, I touched on wardrobe slightly but never on make-up.

My studio images demonstrate I can use lighting to create a sense of depth, a sense of atmosphere/ambiguity and an appreciation of shadow – YES: I demonstrated all of these but only to a basic level, I still feel I need more practice within the studio.

I have considered and included a good range of subjects for both assignments – YES

I have an understanding of the relationship between image and screen presentation – YES

The position and size of my images on screen demonstrates a clear consideration of design – YES

My visual research journal reflects a wide knowledge of historic and contemporary portrait and studio practice through research – YES/NO: Not so much historic, but I definitely covered contemporary practices.

I have demonstrated an ability to analyse other practitioners’ work and methods in relation to my own – YES

My visual research establishes development, experimentation, and progression of my ideas – YES

As you can see from the above, I feel I have matched most of the requirements in order to succeed in these projects, and I look forward to receiving my grade.

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